Homeschool Mother’s Journal–Fall Break!

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week…Last week’s post was “fall is here”. This week is already “fall break”. Since one of our foster babies is in kindergarten, we are learning about life in the public school system. And this week, she was out Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for Fall Break. I had every intention of schooling right through the week here at home, but that just didn’t work out. The girls have had such a fun time playing together that I felt like I couldn’t break that up. We did do “read alouds”, so that can count as school…right? Friday, we took a field trip the NEW ORLEANS! The kids had a blast, and we spent the entire afternoon at The Audubon Zoo.

In our homeschool this week…We didn’t get as much academic work done as I had hoped, but there was a great deal of peace among the little people. I’m counting it as a success.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… At the end of this week, we will be attending Camp Dixon, our state homeschool organization’s annual camp-out. And even though I don’t do tents, I do love these weekends. Tent camping is an option, but my family always opts for a cabin or “motel-style” room. Motel-style is a loosely used term, and it is NOT my first option, but we were late getting our registration in this year so that’s our only option…unless we want to tent-camp. My only problem with tent-camping? Sharing a bathroom with 100 other people–NO THANKS! You can read about our previous years here, here, and here.

My favorite thing this week was…Our trip to the zoo!

What’s working/not working for us…Procrastination is not working for me. Have I said that before? I feel like I’m repeating myself.

Questions/thoughts I have… So really, how many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?! 

Things I’m working on… Right now, I should be working on the 3 bushels of apples sitting on my kitchen floor! (Well, I did give about 20 away & I baked 8…so that’s a start, right?) 
I should also be working on lesson plans for next week. I should be working on some especially creative to do with those pallets hubby brought home for me last week. I should be cleaning the kitchen counter. I should be finishing the collection box I volunteered to decorate that will hold items for the local food pantry. 

I’m reading…Keeping Our Children’s Hearts by Steve & Teri Maxwell 
AND Dr. Horner’s Bible Reading System!! If you haven’t seen this Bible reading plan, you really should check it out. I am reading more and understanding more than I have in a really long time. The best part, in my opinion, is that it is an option on my You Version Bible app on my Android phone. 

I’m cooking… See “Things I’m working on”. HA! APPLES!

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    1 thought on “Homeschool Mother’s Journal–Fall Break!”

    1. Hmm, reading, playing with foster kids and a field trip to the zoo…sounds like wonderful school days. 🙂

      Comment on your comment on my blog: We have our very own chipmunk that lives in our garden every single year. I'm sure it's a baby of a baby of a baby at this point, but there never seems to be a summer without one. (I do know personally that it's not the same one, since I witnessed a snake kill our "pet" one year…shhhh, don't tell Kristin!!) Anyway…they are cute little critters and it seems that just about every yard around here has one. They are territorial so they spread out. 😉 Plus, we also have squirrels coming out our ears…

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