Homeschool Mother’s Journal–Fall is Here!

The Homeschool Mother's Journal In my life this week:Honestly, I am barely keeping my head above water these days. SO much needs to be accomplished in a single day, and I am feeling the pressure… I need to re-focus, re-prioritize & re-schedule!

In our homeschool this week… I have been trying to add more fun stuff into our day. The girls have been riding their bikes and playing on the new swing set they got for their birthday. I’ve also added in GAMES to our day–Candy Land, Go Fish and other homemade learning games.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Next week is Fall Break for my little public school-er (state law requires foster children to be in public school), so we are spending one of those days at the ZOO! 🙂

My favorite thing this week was… seeing my “late reader” make progress!

What’s working/not working for us… What’s NOT working is my inability to make a decision or a single lesson plan. On the rare occasion, I do get a lesson plan done, I am having a hard time sticking to it. This is SO NOT like me! 🙁
What IS working is a very simple, 3 week menu plan that I rotate–NO THINKING required now that I have it done. It simplifies my grocery shopping too.

I’m grateful for… a new day, forgiveness, a chance to start again.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share… Pinterest!

Interested to see what’s going on in other homeschools this week, head over & visit The Homeschool Chick!

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