Homeschool Mother’s Journal–Lazy Summer Days

The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this week… We haven’t accomplished much over the past two weeks. Hubby has been out of town 10 of the past 14 days. I always have grand plans to accomplish this HUGE list while he’s away. It never really works out…

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… Breathe! One day at a time…

I am inspired by… The Duggars. I just finished the newest book, A Love that Multiplies. I recommend it to everyone, homeschooling or not.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… The children and I don’t have any more travel planned. Hubby only has one more overnight trip next week, and then he should be home for a while too. 🙂

Questions/thoughts I have… Still wondering about College Plus! I read in A Love that Multiplies that some of their older children have done this program. I am hoping to find someone (online or in-real-life) that I can converse with who has “been there, done that”.

Things I’m working on… Organization, decluttering and new school year planning!

For more Homeschool Mother’s Journals, head over to The Homeschool Chick!

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