Homeschool Mother’s Journal–May 14th

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal is a blog carnival hosted over at The Homeschool Chick. You should definitely check her out!

In my life this week… I feel like I am drowning in a sea of chaos. My usual organized self just can’t seem to get it together… *sigh* I feel like a need a day or two, or maybe three… just to catch up & get myself together again. But alas, the world does NOT work that way… So instead, I suck it up and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

I am still on a decluttering kick. By the way, I have a like-new Cricut for sale for $200. I have 4 cartridges, 2 mats and a set of tools. Everyone wants to know WHY I’m getting rid of it when I just got it for Christmas? The answer: I am a procrastinator & looking at the thing makes me feel guilty. I have not used it for the 1Million projects I promised myself I would, and if I know me…I won’t get around to about 999,999 of them. So instead of feeling guilty, I choose to pass it on to someone that WILL use it! If any of my local readers are interested, leave me a comment, email me or find me on facebook. I think I will list it on Craigslist soon–if I can stop procrastinating long enough!

In our homeschool this week… The kids completed their projects for our homeschool group’s yearly Project Achievement. JC(14) highlighted his mission trip to Ecuador, and the girls presented information about butterflies. I thought I had taken pictures to post here, but apparently I did not. I got a new camera for Mother’s Day, and I can’t seem to keep up with it. (See above.)

Friday, we attended a field trip to Camp Shelby to the Military Museum there. The kids had a great time, and we (the adults) learned alot! I did remember my camera for this one.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… This week, plans include attending our state homeschooling conference. We are always excited to attend. We have made so many good friends that it is like a family reunion!

My favorite thing this week was… ummmm, finishing it? I don’t mean to sound whiney. It really has been a good week.

What’s working/not working for us…  My sudden lack of organizational skills…or is it a sudden lack of motivation? Maybe, I’m suffering from spring fever…or burn out?! Maybe, I really need to be refreshed at the conference this weekend? Yes, yes… I think that’s it!!

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have… I mentioned College Plus last week, and no one had an opinion. So, I’m posting it again. I’m considering this for my 14 year old, probably starting in January 2012. Anyone have experience or opinions?

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started. ~ Dawson Trotman

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