In my life this week… More Wonka and a little bit of spring cleaning! I am feeling the urge to declutter and simplify!
Things have been crazy busy, which is why I am so late getting this posted.
I haven’t spent much time writing, but I did complete a painting this week.
In our homeschool this week… We haven’t accomplished much that is note-worthy. The kids have had lots of life skills practice this week due to my urge to spring clean & declutter.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… We’re seeing Willy Wonka, go figure! It really has been a wonderful experience for our family. The last performance was today. We enjoyed a cast party afterwards. We have met some amazing people, made some great friends, and discovered talent in our children we had no idea existed.
I also almost forgot that we took a field trip on Monday to the MS Natural Science Museum. That was a nice break from the busy-ness that we’ve been used to lately.
My favorite thing this week was… My giggly little girl! AG(almost 2) loves to snuggle and is extremely ticklish. The sound of her laughter is music to my soul!
What’s working/not working for us… Our jam-packed calendar and our jam-packed closets are NOT working for us, hence the desire to DECLUTTER and SIMPLIFY!
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have… College Plus–anyone have any experience with them? I was considering waiting until JC(14)’s junior year, but after reading reviews, I am considering starting in January. That would be half-way through his freshman year. Our original goal was that he have his AA by the time he graduates high school. After reading reviews/testimonials, I am thinking it may be possible for him to complete his BA by then… The only thing is…he doesn’t know what he wants to do as a career…
A photo, video, link, or quote to share… I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these photos of my Oompa Loompa with “Willy Wonka”. “Willy” is a homeschool graduate and an all around great guy! I am so glad we have gotten to know him during this play. (Sorry, I cannot get the photos to cooperate.)

i have been tryin' to post on your site for quite a while…now with google id in hand i hope i can. Thanks for your comments on my blog…and I linked to yours on one of my pages. I really enjoy reading what ya'll have been up to and am still amazed that you home-school those 4 children. I am in awe!!
Don't forget where I'm at.. Hope to see you soon
We love to go to plays when we can. How fun! I am feeling the urge to clean out our closets, too, but I am making a mental list and trying to finish up most of our school work first. Only a couple more weeks or less and I will be de-cluttering!