The Homeschool Mother’s Journal is hosted weekly over at The Homeschool Chick blog. We have had so much travel going on, that I have missed several weeks of posting. Instead of answering the questions about what’s been happening in my week, I will try to fill you in on what’s been going on in my month.
In my life this week month… I have recommitted to getting in shape. Shhhh! Don’t laugh so loud! (I’m typing this as I eat a bowl of ice cream, BUT I did work out this morning.)
In our homeschool this week month… We have been on break for June. There’s been too much travel and too many activities to keep up any kind of regular school schedule.
Places we’re going we’ve gone and people we’re seeing we’ve seen… I posted a list of things on our June calendar a few posts back. We spent a week visiting family in Georgia. That was great fun, because this is family that we hardly ever get to see. I spent two days at the beach & outlet mall shopping with two of my besties. Hubby & JC14 spent a week at Student Life Mission Camp. And this week, the last week in June, is Vacation Bible School at our church. June has flown by!
I used to live where I could see Stone Mountain from our back yard & remember making homemade ice cream and watching the fire works on the 4th of July! happy weekend-
It sounds like all of the busy has been a good thing! We've been eating out a ton too – time to reign that in… well.. except that July is crazy.
Visiting and following from the Crew…