Homeschool Mother’s Journal–School Begins Again!

In my life this week… We started school! We officially have a freshman in high school, a 2nd grader and a Kindergartener… and a tag-along toddler!

In our homeschool this week… I GOT THE SCHOOL ROOM CLEAN!!! **HAPPY DANCE**

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… We enjoyed a play date at the splash park today, and we have another scheduled for tomorrow. JC14 is at a lock-in tonight. And Hubby is at the Grid-Iron Men’s Conference in Tuscaloosa–his last bit of travel for the summer!
We pre-ordered Soul Surfer, so we’ll be picking it up this Tuesday. The kids are pretty excited about that!

My favorite thing this week was…hanging out with friends at the park today.

Things I’m working on… DILIGENCE!

I’m reading… hmmmm, I haven’t started a new book since I finished the Duggar one. I’ve been doing a lot of magazine and blog reading. I am reading Paddington at Work by Michael Bond to the kids at naptime.

I’m grateful for… the fact that His mercies are new every morning! (Lamentations 3:22-23)

To see what’s going on with other homeschoolers, check out The Homeschool Chick!

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