Household Notebook Part 2

As promised, I’m back to deliver the finished product. It really only took me a couple days to put it together, but today was the first chance I had to take the pictures & get them downloaded. So in case you’ve forgotten, you can go back to the original post (Part 1).
My favorite thing about using a 3-ring binder for my household notebook is that I can customize it to fit us & I can change things around or take things out as our lives or circumstances change.

This photo shows the tab dividers I used to organize my notebook. The first category (which didn’t show up in the pic) is HOUSEHOLD–daily routines & chore lists are kept here. The rest of the categories are MENU/ERRANDS, LESSON PLANS (we homeschool), FINANCES, BHE (this is our local homeschool group, we coordinate activities), HOLIDAYS/BIRTHDAYS/SPECIAL EVENTS, CONTACTS, and PRESCHOOL DAYS (we get together with other preschoolers one day a week).

I use clear plastic page protectors in some of my sections. Here you see coupons that are kept in the MENU/ERRANDS section. When it’s time to grocery shop, I can check to see if we have a coupon for things on my list.

I also keep one in the FINANCE section. When a bill comes in, I slip it into the pocket. When it’s time to pay the bills, I have them all in one place. I also keep stamps in this section. And a few years ago, I discovered this helpful printable from Each month, I list all the bills that are due & I’m able to check them off when they’re paid. I can even record the check # or confirmation # if I paid online or by phone.

And the title I put on my notebook is pretty self-explanatory!

For more inspiration, you may want to check out this post over at I’m an Organizing Junkie! I found it while putting together my new notebook.

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