Is she Talented or What?!?! 4 Comments / family / By StephF Facebook Twitter Pinterest I just came across these pictures in my photo files, and I just couldn’t help posting. This is why I tell my children they have “monkey toes”. Get a FREE printable homeschool planning form.Enter your email address to get it immediately! Send it my way!Built with Kit
glutenfree4goofs March 24, 2009 at 6:54 pm That really IS talent! So cute. I stopped by from UBP because we seem to have a bit in common. Hope to get to know you.Jessie Reply
Shasta March 26, 2009 at 8:45 am Found you through the UBP, thanks for commenting on my blog!! These pictures are adorable! My aunt used to tell her kids the same thing when they were little! Reply
That really IS talent!
So cute. I stopped by from UBP because we seem to have a bit in common. Hope to get to know you.
How funny! My nickname when I was her age was Monkeytoes!!
Found you through the UBP, thanks for commenting on my blog!!
These pictures are adorable! My aunt used to tell her kids the same thing when they were little!