Jackson Pollock Art Lesson

In a previous post about our routines, I mentioned that our artist/composer study that was scheduled for Thursdays was simply not happening. This past Thursday, I decided to change that. (See…blogging keeps me accountable.)

So the night before, I was looking online and in our book Discovering Great Artists. I needed something easy & fun. I was already thinking about splatter painting, so I was thrilled to find this. And there was a section on Pollock in our book.

Here are the paintings that we completed on Thursday. This week, JC will add photos of the paintings along with a biography page about Jackson Pollock to his notebook.

The first was done by AC, age 2. The second was done by me, Mom.

This one was done by AJ, age (almost) 5.

And here is the one done by JC, age 11.

We found great information about Jackson Pollock at these websites: Wikipedia and Web Museum. And here is a website where you can create your own abstract painting online. ENJOY!

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    2 thoughts on “Jackson Pollock Art Lesson”

    1. Steph…I absolutely love that book! I used it years ago for the boys and last year our co-op used it for the art program.(I was one of the teachers) It is wonderful, easy and fun. Your projects came out great!

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