Living Social Deal–Easely Amused!

About a month ago, Living Social had a great deal for a semi-local (hour drive) “paint-your-own-canvas” place–Easely Amused. The deal was $12 for a 2-hour paint class that normally costs $26.75! By purchasing through Swagbucks Daily Deals, I also received 450 Swagbucks. 450 Swagbucks=$5 Amazon Gift Card. That made my deal $7!

Search & Win

Living Social works like Groupon. Businesses are willing to give DEEP discounts in order to attract a large amount of (hopefully, new) customers. It is completely free to sign up for those daily deals to be sent to your email. I have them sent to my inbox, but I always check Swagbucks Daily Deals before purchasing. They almost always offer Swagbucks for Living Social and Groupon deals.  More Swagbucks equals more Amazon Gift Cards. Win-win!

So, here is how I (and Shelly and Amy) used my Living Social deal at Easely Amused…

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