Menu Plan Monday–10/26/09

Monday already?! How did that happen?

Anyway, here is my menu for the week. No real theme, adding some things from last week that we didn’t get around to having because of unexpected activities…

Monday: We are going to be out of down for most of the day. We will be hearing Ken Ham speak at my friend’s church, so we will have dinner out.

Tuesday: lentil tacos

Wednesday: Chicken roll-ups, butterbeans, corn

Thursday: Kids are having chicken strips. DH & I are having a much overdue “date night”.

Friday: Potato Soup

Saturday: Our church is hosting a Noah’s Ark party, so we will eat there.

Sunday: I’ll do something with chicken in the crockpot…haven’t really thought it through yet…

For more menu ideas, check out Menu Plan Monday.

3 thoughts on “Menu Plan Monday–10/26/09”

  1. Neisha–picture Fall Festival w/ Noah's Ark theme. Everyone comes dressed as something you would find on the ark. Carnival games, food, candy, prizes, etc.

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