Menu Plan Monday

So I was going to post my menu plan for the week & then realized it is basically the same as this one from a few weeks ago. I guess we eat alot of the same stuff, ha!
The only interesting addition this week is that DH & I will be drinking a green smoothie every day for lunch. He is beginning his second week of P90X and I started my first day of Slim in 6. Mine is a 6 week program, and I figured I could commit at least 6 DAYS to the workout & healthy eating. If I don’t see some kind of measurable results in that amount of time, I probably won’t do it any more. I know I shouldn’t be like that, but I know I am like that. We have also agreed to have a salad before dinner, NO seconds and NO desserts. We’ll see how this goes…
So for REAL menu ideas, head on over to Organizing Junkie

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