Menu Plan Monday 2/15

Monday again? Wow, time flies!

This week’s menu–

Breakfasts: just repeats of the usual for the kids–baked oatmeal, cereal, eggs, toast, biscuits, muffins

Green Smoothies for me–YUM!

Lunches: repeats for the kids–pb&j, soup, fish sticks, quesadillas, etc.

Salads w/ grilled chicken, although today I had lentils


Monday: Taco Soup (I double this & add a packet of dry ranch dressing mix.)

Tuesday: Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread

Wednesday: Deer Steak, Roasted Veggies

Thursday: Chili, Fritos for chili pie

Friday: Hungry Girl’s Chicken Strips w/ oven fries, salad

Saturday: Venison Burgers, salad

Sunday: Slow Cooker Roast Sticky Chicken (you’ll have to scroll down for the recipe) with roasted or steamed veggies

So a mix of some healthy, some not-so-healthy. As long as I stick to only one serving of each, I think I’ll be fine.

Oh, and I was thrilled to know that of all those new recipes I was trying out last week, DH says ALL of them were keepers!

My days always go better when I plan my meals ahead of time. Need help with yours? Click here.

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