Menu Plan Monday

As I am getting back into the swing of things asnd trying to re-establish routines & organization around the house, I thought it would be fun & beneficial (accountability & ideas) to participate in Menu Plan Monday. I have found that 20 minutes on Sunday afternoon to plan the week’s meals saves me both time & money–time later in the week trying to decide what’s for dinner and money at the grocery store because I know exactly what I need AND I save money because I am not tempted during the week to run out for fast food…

I have found some great meal ideas and planning forms over at Menus 4 Moms. Check them out & sign up for their FREE weekly email full of simple, inexpensive meal ideas!

So here’s my plan for the week:

Breakfasts: baked oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, eggs, turkey bacon, biscuits, smoothies

Lunches: (so not healthy, I know) pb&j sandwiches, fish sticks, chicken nuggests, mac & cheese, frozen pizza


Monday: chicken pot pie w/ chicken left from Sunday dinner

Tuesday: chili dogs & chips (not healthy, but I’ve been craving a hot dog)

Wednesday: lentil tacos & salad, maybe fruit smoothies (I try to do at least 1 meatless meal each week)

Thursday: spaghetti/meat sauce, garlic bread, salad (The sauce is already cooked & in the freezer. I always try to cook a double batch. Actually, I use 1 pound of ground meat to 2 cans of sauce. S-T-R-E-T-C-H)

Friday: regular tacos (DH requested), tropical fruit

Saturday: Pizza Family Movie Night (domino’s or little ceasar’s)

Sunday: crock pot rotisserie chicken

These are my dinner plans, but I also plan out our breakfasts & lunches. This meme is usually hosted over at Organized Junkie, but is being hosted today by Toni at The Happy Housewife. Click on over & check out more menu ideas…

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