…and I’m not doing anything special–just giving an update on us.
Had a checkup with my doctor yesterday & everything looked good. All my stats were great. Had an ultrasound (& will have each week until she’s born) & baby looks good. Sunday, she was 4lbs 6oz. Yesterday, she was 4 lbs 14 oz. So she is definitely growing. Nothing has changed concerning the previa.
So again, we wait… And pray that this baby can be born under calm & not EMERGENCY circumstances…
Happy 100th post!
Keep on growing baby girl. I’m praying for calm and gentle arrival too!
You’re getting there!!
Did I tell you we are having a grandson? Can’t remember if I did. We just found out this week.
Thanks ladies!
And congratulations, Tammy, on your grandson!! I am so excited for Justin & Tiffany!
Alright!! Now that’s a good size baby already!!! God keep Stephanie and Ainsleigh safe, in Jesus name!!
Congrats on the 100th post… your give-away prize can be a safe delivery. I think we’d all be happy with that!
Ok…how are things going?? You’ve gotten quiet and that worries me.