New Additions–Jhan Alex and Ruth

Jhan Alex came to us about a week ago from the jungle. He was born about 2 months ago with cleft lip and palette, and even though this is a fairly common birth defect in his community (and correctable), his mother had refused to nurse him. His father was attempting to keep him alive by feeding him the water leftover from boiled plantains. A local missionary that was visiting the community, along with Jhan’s aunt, brought him out to Voz Andes, our local hospital, to be admitted and treated for malnourishment. Even in the hospital, I was amazed at his little personality and “fighting spirit”. He was able to be released into the custody of Casa de Fe within just a few days. He has already gained a whole kilo (a little more than 2 pounds) since being with us.
Sadly, his family has signed away their parental rights. But on the bright side, there is a family in our community that is interested in fostering/adopting him. Would you join us in praying that all the legal hurdles can be cleared for them to take this beautiful child into their home? 
Baby Ruth is 5 months old, weighs only about 6 pounds (same as Jhan) and suffers from a cardiac and lung problem associated with her Down Syndrome. We got the call from the hospital in Puyo where she was being treated for pneumonia. Ruth had improved to the point that she didn’t need to be hospitalized, but she did need oxygen 24/7 and her parents do not have electricity in their home to run the oxygen machine. So, we gladly welcomed Baby Ruth to Casa de Fe.
Within a day or two, she was looking much better. Her color was great. Her breathing was fairly easy (as long as she stayed on her oxygen), and her sweet little personality began to shine through. 
Patti Sue consulted with our local pediatrician and a specialist in Quito, and a trip was planned to take Ruth to Quito to be assessed and hopefully, to receive surgery to repair her heart. However, when we all arrived Sunday afternoon to pray over Ruth and to see her off, everyone recognized her condition had worsened. She was very labored in her breathing, and when Jeff took her off her oxygen downstairs to bring her upstairs (30-45 seconds) to be assessed one more time by our local pediatrician, her pulse ox stats dropped dramatically. 
Again, the local pediatrician and the specialist in Quito were consulted, and it was decided that Ruth should stay here in Shell until she is completely recovered from this relapse of pneumonia.
As I was preparing this blog post, we had a scare with Ruth. Her respirations were through the roof, and we thought she may have to be sent on an emergency flight to Quito. BUT–everyone sent out prayer requests & people started praying and wouldn’t you know… her respirations returned to normal (for her) and she is stable. PRAISE THE LORD!
Would you please join me in praying for her complete recovery from the pneumonia? Will you pray that she would grow strong enough to have the corrective heart surgery that she needs to live? Will you pray, as I am, for miraculous healing?!

He is able…

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