Our New Hobby

…and happy Independence Day! All the girls sported their patriotic colors yesterday. We enjoyed a quiet day at home, grilled some chicken with my brother’s familiy, had watermelon and let the kids swim in the kiddie pool.

During his family’s visit, my brother introduced us to his new hobby–GEOCACHING. I had heard of it several years back, but there wasn’t much opportunity in our area then.
Things have changed since I first heard of it because we went out yesterday and found our first cache less than five miles from our house! DH & my brother went into town to get pizza for dinner (kids’ request) and found two more while they were out.

Geocaching (ge-o-cash-ing) is a high tech form of hide & seek treasure hunting. The FAQ page was really helpful.

DH & I, as well as the oldest child (Boy Scout) really enjoyed it. The girls were just along for the ride. We love a good road trip, so I have spent the morning checking out possible sites to explore in the near future, paying special attention to those on or near historic sites… (Homeschool moms love field trips!) I love that this is an inexpensive way to spend time with my family. The only expenses are the one-time expense of a handheld GPS (which we don’t have yet, but my bro. does) and the gas to get to the location. I hope we’re able to do this about once a month.

So what about your family? Do you go geocaching? What inexpensive ways have you found to spend time with your family?

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    3 thoughts on “Our New Hobby”

    1. Your new baby girl is precious!

      We've considering looking into geocaching as we have a GPS now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about it. Hope you and your family are doing well!

    2. Stumbled upon your blog while searching for homeschooling and geocaching. We are newly addicted to GCing and also a Christian homeschooling family. 🙂

    3. We've never done the geocaching, but I've heard a little about it. I have a friend who does letter boxing, which sounds (I think) like a less-technical version. For fun, we read books and watch movies, depending on how much energy we have!

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