We planted these seeds 9 days ago when we had our Carrot Seed preschool day. The kids are excited to see them growing. We’ll (well, DH & the kids; I’ll watch) be transplanting them outside soon.
And as for me & Ainsleigh, she’s still baking. I have begun to refer to myself as the incubator, ha! We will reach 28 weeks on Monday, so I’ll be back here to do a “happy post”. I have a dr’s appt on Thursday, so if there is anything to update, I’ll be sure to do that Thursday evening… Thanks for your prayers & encouragement.
Mike worked on making raised vegetable garden beds today. He got the bottom level of 4 of them done. Next, he’ll stake them in the ground and put the top level on.
So, exciting!!
Keep on incubating…you’re doing a good job!