Playing Catch Up!

Over the past three weeks, we have accomplished much!
We attended TWO high school graduations in ONE night.
We attended our state homeschool support group’s yearly homeschool conference.
We spent three days at a neary state park with our church’s 2011 high school seniors.
We have been swimming with friends twice three times. We’ve had piano lessons and art classes.
We attended our local homeschool support group’s end of the year Park Day.

We celebrated the “bitty baby’s” 2nd birthday! (with Death by Oreo cupcakes)

We hosted our Sunday School class for a cookout this past Sunday.
We had family movie night and watched Gnomeo and Juliet. (Cute movie, by the way.)
And we’ve done LOTS and LOTS of laundry!
We’re getting back on track, but also gearing up for a fun and busy summer.
We (Mom & Dad) have a marriage conference to attend this weekend.
We have a week long trip to Georgia planned.
DH & I will celebrate our 17th anniversary!!
DH will celebrate his 42nd birthday! (I’m a good bit younger than him, by the way.)
DH & JC14 will spend five days at youth camp.
Vacation Bible School!! (That’s always fun!)
Independence Day, of course.
DH & JC14 will be gone for another week, attending a leadership camp. 
A couple friends and I will spend 48 hours at the beach, sans kids.

DH will be gone again for four days to chaperone children’s camp.

And then DH will be gone again for the Grid Iron Men’s Conference in Tuscaloosa.

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    2 thoughts on “Playing Catch Up!”

    1. I love how you put it out there that you are a good bit younger than your hubby!! 😉 Sounds like you've been busy. Our schedule has been pretty much like that, too!! Kristin said those cupcakes look yummy!

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