Playing Catch Up–December 2011

As I was looking through my pictures on my computer the other day, I realized that I have neglected many blog-able (just made that word up, ha) moments. Instead of ignoring them and living with regret, I have decided to “play catch-up”. Besides, it’s my blog and I can do what I want… 😉

Beginning with December…

December 2011 brought A Christmas Story to Brookhaven Little Theater

JC played the lead role of “Ralphie”, seen here in his gift from “Aunt Clara”!
The girls enjoyed Brookhaven’s annual Christmas parade with a friend
AG loved making cookies & putting together our gingerbread house!
Our 2011 Christmas tree & since I am very sleepy and my eyes are glazed over, I give up on editing…
Sorry it’s sideways!

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    3 thoughts on “Playing Catch Up–December 2011”

    1. Looking forward to following your adventures over the next two years. I do hope you try to keep up with the blog. 🙂 Praying for you and your family!!

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