Playing Catch Up–January 2012

I really wish I had written about this stuff back in January when it actually happened. It is always easier to recall events that way, but I’ll do my best now to share our January story…
The big deal for January was a trip to Wilmore, KY where CornerStone International, our sending agency, is located. The big excitement of that trip was SNOW! I know my northern friends are seeing these pictures and thinking, ‘big deal’, but to my babies, this WAS a BIG DEAL!

Hubby & I spent the weekend in meetings while the kids spent the weekend playing with CornerStone board members’ children and our “Super Nanny Shelly”.

Another highlight of the trip was seeing this cool, real-life castle! And yes, it is located right on the highway in Kentucky. You can read more about it here.

Today, we are putting the finishing touches on our packing. We will leave for the airport at 2am tomorrow to be there by 4am. Our flight out of New Orleans leaves at 6am. We’ll land in Miami around 8:30 EST and board our flight to Quito, Ecuador around 3:30pm.
I can’t believe the time is finally here! Praise God for His endless blessings!

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