Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow…

Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him all ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost!!! AMEN & AMEN

Writing in Felder’s favorite color to share the AWESOME news we just received. Below is the copy & paste from his latest update…

Good Glorious afternoon to all!! We’ve gotten TERRIFIC news today….Felder is in REMISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just talked with Jess and she says that Felder still has 3% leukemia cells in his body, but they still consider that remission. When I talked to her, they were in the playroom and he seemed to be doing just fine.
They have disconnected him from his IV, and he now only has his port. All plans now are for them to come home tomorrow and go back to hospital for chemo treatments every week. Also for now, he isn’t able to have visitors at home because the treatments have him with such a low immune system. She did confirm that he would still have to continue treatments for around 2 years and in the event that he ran fever or got sick, they would have to go back into the hospital as well. The next date to check bone marrow should be around the 29th of September. At that time, we PRAY that there will be 0 “bad” cells.

How great is our God?!!!!

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