Ready for Ecuador…

In order to get our family to Ecuador, we had to make decisions–some hard, some not–about what to do with our stuff! I made lists & checked them twice and then twice more. (Somehow we still managed to get here without Benadryl! What?!) We sold all three of our vehicles, our storage shed, our four-wheelers, hubby’s hunting gear and the kids’ yard toys. I planned and packed two years’ worth of homeschool curriculum. I packed up all the important things from my kitchen–BlendTec blender, KitchenAid mixer, stainless steel cookware and Rada knives. We packed clothes, books, vitamins, OTC meds (but apparently not Benadryl!), books, shoes, a few special toys and more books!

Once everything was packed up…what were we to do? Eat out every meal until time to go? Where would we sleep? All our sheets were either sold or packed. The logical solution was to head to Hubby’s mom’s house four hours away. She has two extra bedrooms and a pool and is still only two hours from the airport! What more could a person ask for?

Ainsleigh fell in love with these guys.

We got to meet our great-niece!

And the kids swam like fish all week loooonnnnngggg!

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