I have been meaning to share my opinion about this phonics program for quite some time. I had used another program with my oldest child that absolutely did NOT work for my second child. I was thrilled to find Phonics Pathways: Clear Steps to Easy Reading and Perfect Spelling a couple years ago at the recommendation of another homeschool mom. The pages are simple with simple art work, definitely not so much that it is a distraction. I love that skills are built upon incrementally and ideas and templates for games are included. The lessons are short and not overwhelming, even for one struggling with learning to read. And like the title suggests, spelling is taught along with the reading lessons.
Written by Dolores G. Hiskes who has tutored reading for over 30 years, this is an excellent resource for all parents–not just homeschoolers.
To make my life even easier, I just bought Phonics Pathways Boosters!: Fun Games and Teaching Aids to Jump-Start Reading
a few weeks ago. We haven’t used the games yet, because I want to laminate them first. I am planning to get that done this week. I really want to use the games with all five little people as a way to review/reinforce with the olders and an opportunity to introduce phonics to the youngers.
My opinion: This one is worth every penny and then some!