Shred-Day 12

I am sure some of my readers will be glad when this 30 day thing is over. But bear with me… This blog is mine & it’s about me, so this is what I’m doing & just about the only interesting thing going on in my life right now, so humor me, okay?! thanks…

I finished Day 12 in the early afternoon. DH took the kiddos with him after lunch to run errands, so I was able to do some housework, computer work and work out. I am still a bit sore in the ham strings & inner thighs, but that’s okay. Soreness reminds me it’s working! And I can feel my abs again…can’t see ’em! But at least I know they’re under there somewhere.

Level 2 has not been as bad as I thought it would be. I definitely understand the progression from one level to another. And I love that Level 2 is feeling different from Level 1. I can tell it’s working out different muscle groups, keeping my body guessing.

Eating has been going pretty well. It has taken real self-discipline to NOT clean the kids plates when they are done eating. I am having them put their own plates away (like they should have been doing all along) and that is helping. I don’t see it; I don’t eat it! BREAKFAST today–green smoothie, LUNCH–I ate some sloppy joe sauce on a piece of wheat bread folded in half & then had a wedge of Laughing Cow Cheese with a serving of Wheat Thins, Sundried Tomato & Basil Wheat Thins to be exact! DINNER–baked cheesy chicken (chicken breast sprinkled with worstershire, spread with a thin layer of bbq sauce, sprinkled with a minute amount of bacon bit & cheese and baked at 350 for 25-30 minutes), green beans, peach slices. SNACKINS–NONE!

I am a very IMpatient person, and I am getting…well, impatient. I can feel the difference & I have even gotten out of my FAT jeans, hopefully for the last time… (think I’ll sell ’em on ebay) But I know there is still much progress to be made. I mean, inside, I still FEEL like the size 8 athletic, energetic chic I was way back when… And here I sit… No one would dare accuse me of being athletic & I am energetic in spurts, ha! AND I am definitely NOT a size 8! Will I ever see the day? I don’t know, but I’m willing to TRY… 30 days at a time!

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    4 thoughts on “Shred-Day 12”

    1. Steph you are right on when you said, the problem is that we try to take things into our hands instead of letting go and let God…i will try harder at this 🙂

      keep on pressing on girl ;

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