The Schoolhouse Planner

While we’re on the subject of The Old Schoolhouse, I wanted to tell you about The Schoolhouse Planner. What homeschool mom doesn’t struggle at least a little with scheduling and time management? If she exists, I would like to meet her. I bet she has only one child and a maid…or at least, someone to help with cooking and laundry.

So back to the planner… This thing is a whopping 247 pages!! I was thinking I would get a monthly calendar, maybe a weekly calendar & some lesson planning pages, or maybe even some meal planning pages. I was so surprised to see ALL that is included with this planner. It would take 247 pages to list them all… 247 pages of seriously useful information. Not only do you get calendar pages that you can type into & save–how cool is that?!– but you also get reprinted articles from the magazine,recipes (for real people), charts (how did they know we were studying the great composers?) and sooooo much more.

My favorite things about this planner–it’s a PDF, so I got it almost immediately. It took about three minutes to download after checkout. I also like that I can print the pages that I need and make as many copies of those pages as I need. That makes it very convenient, and I will be less likely to toss yet another planner because it didn’t meet my needs. This one is completely customizable, and I love it!

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