There’s a Light at the End of This Tunnel

At 35 weeks, 5 days I finally feel like the end is in sight. My dr has scheduled our c-section delivery for Tuesday at 11am. I will be 36 weeks, 1 day. Only 3 nights & 2 1/2 days….

I find myself having mixed emotions as the end gets nearer. I have moments of peace & then moments of PANIC. I know that God is in control of all of this, and that should be enough for me to have that perfect peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding; but I can’t help be a bit nervous about the unknown…

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    6 thoughts on “There’s a Light at the End of This Tunnel”

    1. It is perfectly normal to feel a bit anxious under the circumstances. I am praying for y’all… asking God to give you that wonderful peace that surpasses all understanding to guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Let me know if you need anything!

    2. So, with no new update. . . I am assuming that everything went well yesterday and you are having some special time with your little girl! And praying that recovery and newborn days will be cozy and memorable, in a good way!

      Ironically, my sister went into labor with her little girl early this morning.

    3. So my sis had her baby Weds! YAY! But there were some minor complications, but I think the docs are on top of the situation and baby will be fine.

      But it makes me wonder about you and your new little girl . . . . hoping and praying that all is well!

    4. I am a friend posting for Stephanie. Ainsleigh Grace came into this world weighing 6 lbs. 2 ozs. She is doing beautifully.
      Stephanie had complications–though expected– she was still critical. Please pray for her continued healing. She is only now out of ICU. The days ahead will be difficult.

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