To Make a Long Story Short…

First of all, we have been home since Saturday, May 30th but we don’t have internet at our new house so I haven’t been able to update anyone on what has been going on with us. (I am using the internet in DH’s office at the church right now.)
Everyone wants to know what exactly happened to us, so here is the rundown…
At 25 weeks pregnant, I was diagnosed with placenta previa… Ordered to complete bed rest…
9 weeks of bed rest at home, with a few 48 hour hospital stays just to keep it interesting…
2 weeks of bed rest in hospital, admitted at 34 weeks…
May 19, 2009–Delivery Day–Scheduled c-section to deliver at 36 weeks + 1 day
*All went well with baby, 6 lbs, 2 oz, needed NO intervention
For ME–Dr. realized immediately after delivering Ainsleigh that the previa was actually a percreta & had grown through the uterine wall into my bladder… 3.5 hours of surgery including a bladder repair & hysterectomy, 8 units of blood + clotting factor + countless medications, antibiotics, tubes & things running in & out of my body, all with weird letters to identify them (JP, IJ, NG, PIC, IV, etc) 3 Days in ICU! 7 Days in Post partum Recovery
+ weeks that can not yet be counted (b/c they are still in progress) to FULL RECOVERY
Would I wish this experience on my worst enemy? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Would I do it over again for the life of my child? ABSOLUTELY, EVEN IF IT COST ME MY OWN!
And the strange thing here (to some people) is that I really believe that I would do it again no matter what the outcome…if it is what God has called me to…

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