TOS Review: Always Ice Cream


Always IceCream is “the innovative play and learning website exclusively for girls between the ages of 7 and 12.” Why the name “Always Ice Cream”? The currency for this virtual world is ICE CREAM SCOOPS! Scoops are earned by completing learning games like the ones shown below. Subjects covered include geography, typing, math, art, science, history, and foreign language. Christian education is also an option.




Girls can create their own “mini-me” as you see on the left side of the screen shot. Her clothes can be changed as often as one wishes. 🙂 Always Ice Cream really is a virtual world. In addition to lots of learning games, girls can purchase and design their own virtual homes, and they can create their own businesses. All of this using ice cream scoops as the currency, of course. AJ8 created works of art and posted them for sale. She purchased a house and decorated it…more than once.
AJ8’s favorite thing was Pet World. Using earned “scoops”, she bought herself a pet and has been tending it very dependably. 😉 


Overall, we both enjoyed this website. I don’t personally care for online games, but AJ8 loves them. I do appreciate that everything on Always Ice Cream is moderated, and the parental controls are outstanding. I think this company has gone to great lengths to make sure this is a safe environment for girls.

Always Ice Cream is very reasonably priced. Pricing options are: $4.99/mo, $29.99/year or $99.99 for a lifetime membership. (Includes a full, money-back guarantee!) You can also try it FREE!

If you’d like to hear what my fellow crew members said about this products, click here.

Disclaimer: My family received a FREE copy of this product in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation has been or will be received. All opinions are my own.

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