The second book in the What We Believe series, Who Am I? (And What Am I Doing Here?) helps children understand what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of the Most High God. This study will enable students to develop a healthy self-image based on these biblical truths: God made me in His image and crowned me with glory; He has given me special gifts and a unique purpose in life; I can creatively express God’s love; I am meant to think about beautiful and praiseworthy things, especially God and His Word; I must make decisions based on God’s truth; I can always know the wise thing to do; I must cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in my life; I am a beloved child of God whose true identity is found in Christ.
How does it work? & How did it work for us?
Our review included a text book, an MP3 audio CD, a notebooking journal and a coloring book for the second volume in Apologia’s What We Believe series, Who Am I? (And what am I doin Here?). Apologia is well-known among homeschoolers for their excellent content and casual conversational tone, making their textbooks feel less “textbook-ish”. This title is written in the same fashion.
We used these around the dining table with all four children–ages 14, 8, 5, and 2.5. I read and then we all discussed. The little girls enjoyed the coloring pages tremendously. I was really surprised at how excited they were to color the pages, but they are very well done. The fact that they related what we were reading about in pictures was icing on the cake. It was fun to hear them say as I was reading, “Hey, that’s what my picture is about!”
JC14 enjoyed looking at the notebooking journal more than he enjoyed filling it in. Nothing wrong with the notebook. It’s just that…well…he’s 14… and he doesn’t like to write…and he may think he’s too old for that sort of thing… At any rate, I liked the journal. I especially like the suggested lesson plans included in the notebook. According to the suggested plan, a family could finish the book in 48 lessons, or about 10 school weeks.
Our Opinion–
We enjoyed it very much. We will definitely be finishing this one, and I hope to purchase the others in the series. I think these would also make wonderful family devotionals.
How do I purchase this product?
All of these items can be purchased directly from Apologia. Prices are as follows:
Who Am I? textbook: $39
Who Am I? audio CD: $19
Who Am I? notebooking journal: $24
Who Am I? coloring book: $8
To read what other crew members had to say about this product, be sure to check out the Crew blog!