An Overview
The Easy Spanish, Level 1 is a 400+ page non-consumable curriculum. It also contains two audio CDs. Inserting the first audio CD into your computer’s CD-rom drive will allow you to access all of the printables/worksheets that you could possibly need to carry you through this curriculum.
This curriculum is designed to work for even large families with mixed age groups. There are three different “tracks”. The track for younger students will take three years to complete. For older students, a two year track can be followed. There is also a one year track for older/adult students. There are also coloring pages (on the Cd-rom) to interest and occupy your youngest learners.
(from the website)
The author, Marie Filion Sherwood, has this to say about her program:
Our Experience
Everyone in our house has different levels of exposure to the Spanish language. I had a year in high school and a year in college. My oldest two have exposure from a junior level program we used several years back. And all the children have a little bit of exposure to the language from watching Dora. Hubby’s only exposure has been from a native speaker in our area and his trip to Ecuador last spring. We have had great fun with this curriculum. Even AG2 can now introduce herself by saying, “Me llamo AG.” Her favorite thing to say is, “Soy baby!” She loves reminding us she’s the baby.
The kids enjoy listening to the stories as well as narrating them back to me. Even vocabulary is fun when we practice it together. The Scripture memory work is a great addition to this curriculum, in my opinion, since we are moving to Ecuador in May. It will be much easier and more natural to share the truths of God’s word if we are already familiar with some Scripture in the Spanish language.
To make the most use of this curriculum, it is suggested that you also purchase a good Spanish/English dictionary and The Big Red Book of Spanish Verbs: 555 Full Conjugated Verbs. Some of the prices for used copies on Amazon are less than $1.
How You Can Get this Great Product!
The Easy Spanish, Level 1 can be purchased at the website for $139.95. Not sure you’re ready to buy yet? Check out these FREE sample lessons!
To read more reviews about this Spanish program (and other language programs for Great Commission Languages), check out The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew blog!