TOS Review: KinderBach

PhotobucketWhat is KinderBach?
KinderBach is an at-home piano teaching program designed especially for ages 3-7. Moms need not have any piano or musical experience themselves. Lessons may be purchased as a download readable on an i-pad, computer, etc. DVDs may also be purchased. No expensive musical instruments necessary. A simple keyboard or toy piano will suffice.

How it Works
Lessons are taught by a knowledgeable and engaging teacher and characters via video (download or DVD). Students follow along as they learn about note reading, rhythm, singing and composition. Printable worksheets/coloring pages are also available with many of the lessons. Lessons are kept short, typically 3-10 minutes.


How it Worked for Us
We used this with AJ8 and AC5. AJ8 has taken piano lessons for the past year. She enjoyed the Kinderbach lessons and was willing to work through two, sometimes three, at a time. This was a great reinforcement and review of things she mostly already knew. AC5 also enjoyed the lessons, but she worked at a slower pace than her sister since she has not had formal lessons before.
Our Opinion
I think this is a great program for beginners. Both girls enjoyed it. While it may seem expensive, Hubby and I realize that the total cost for the full program is only about four months’ worth of regular lessons. This, to us, is a bargain! We are considering purchasing the full program to use in Ecuador, for our children as well as those at the orphanage.

How Much & How to Get It?
You can start your Kinderbach lessons with a FREE TRIAL. When you’re ready to move on, online lessons may be purchased for as little at $7.99 per month while DVD packages start at $40.45. Right now, KinderBach is offering a special 30% discount for TOS Review readers when you use coupon code TOScrew2012 good through February 2013! Don’t forget to visit the Crew Blog to what other homeschool moms thought of this great product.

*Our family received a temporary membership to KinderBach in exchange for an honest review.
 All opinions are our own.*

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