TOS Review: Vintage Remedies

Photobucket Vintage Rememdies for Kids is a 200+ page spiral bound book written by homeschool mom, Jessie Hawkins. Recently, we’ve had the privilege of reviewing this amazing healthy living resource.

From the website:

PhotobucketBased on the popular Vintage Remedies for Girls and Guys curriculum, this edition is perfect for younger siblings! Vintage Remedies for Kids helps parents teach  healthy and natural living to boys and girls ages 2-6. This new workbook is packed with projects covering every aspect of natural living including wellness, nutrition, immunity, natural body care, and the conservative use of valuable natural resources – in terms they will understand and remember!
How it works
The book is broken into three sections covering the following topics: Food and Drink, Health and Wellness and Healthy Lifestyles. Each section is broken down into five to seven chapters. Each chapter begins with a Parents Section for Mom and Dad to have some background information before teaching the lesson. A Read to Me section follows and is meant for Mom or Dad to read to the student(s). The Thinking it Over section at the end of each chapter is a list of questions to review what you’ve learned together and to begin thinking of ways to apply that newfound information. There is also a Leading by Example whose title makes it pretty self explanatory. 😉 Featured Projects and Additional Projects lists recipes and other hands-on ideas to help your kids apply what they’ve learned.

What we think
We love this book! I was very encouraged to realize that we already do alot of the things listed in the book, such as making whole wheat pizza crust, green smoothies and using peppermint oil in the diffuser. I believe this book will be a big help as we attempt to educate our children as to why doing these things is a good idea.

How you can get this resource
If you are interested in adding this great resource to your homeschool library, it may be purchased at the Vintage Remedies website for $25. If you are interested in a resource for older children, Mrs. Hawkins has also written and published Vintage Remedies for Guys and Vintage Remedies for Girls.

You can read more reviews of all three of these resources at The Old Schoolhouse blog. 
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, we received this product free in exchange for an honest review. I have not and will not receive any further compensation. All opinions are my own.

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