TOS Review: Visual Latin


Okay, True Confessions of a Homeschool Mom–For years, I have beat myself up over the fact that we haven’t spent much of our homeschooling time studying other languages. Homeschoolers are supposed to be over-achievers, right?! (note the sarcasm) Throughout our ten homeschooling years, we have dabbled in Spanish (which when translated means, “we can’t speak it”); and, I actually started another Latin program at the beginning of this year just for exposure. I had no hopes of mastering the language.

Visual Latin has caused me to re-think that. Perhaps, it really is possible to master Latin. I learned a long time ago–but God only knows where–that Latin is the root of all European languages. (Is that accurate information? I honestly don’t know.) After doing the very first lesson we were seeing similarities between Latin and English and Spanish words that we were familiar with already. When I say “we”, I am referring to my 14 year-old son, my 40-something hubby and myself. This program is recommended for ages 9 and up.

Visual Latin is an AH-MAZING program taught by Dwane Thomas and sold by Compass Cinema. The program is available on DVDs or as video downloads. We received the first DVD from Latin 1 containing Lessons 1-10.

PhotobucketSo, who knew that learning a new language–especially Latin–could be fun?! I HAD NO IDEA! This guy, Dwane Thomas, is hilarious! He makes the lessons so entertaining that it hardly feels like “school”. We were privileged to have another homeschooling family visiting with us one evening when the subject of languages came up. We popped in the DVD and watched the first lesson together. We all agreed that it was an amazing and fun program. FYI–the other homeschooling family consists of a mom, a 14 year old boy and a 6 year old boy.     
Lessons are broken down into three parts–Grammar, Sentences and Reading. Lessons are kept short. Humor is in ample supply, which makes for much less tedious work. Worksheets that complement the lessons are available to download online in PDF form for FREE.        
The pricing for this program is as follows: All 30 lessons on 3 DVDs: $80
                                                               Individual DVDs (10 lessons each): $30 each
                                                               Downloadable Lessons: $25 each set of 10
Level One and Level Two are available. Each contains 30 lessons. Online Classes are also available. 

So… DO I recommend this curriculum? ABSOLUTELY! I am so glad we have found this. I have told every homeschooling mom/family that has mentioned foreign language about Visual Latin! Check out six free sample lessons and decide for yourself. I am sure you’ll be just as impressed as we have been! And if that’s not enough to convince you, check out the rave reviews this product is receiving from other TOS Crew 

Edited to add: Visual Latin is offering a $10 OFF discount using the code OCT$10 until 10/21/11. This code is good for $10 off ANY purchase from Visual Latin!! 

Disclaimer: My family received a FREE Visual Latin DVD in exchange for an HONEST review. This is my honest opinion. No amount of FREE stuff could ever make me say I liked something that I didn’t.

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    1 thought on “TOS Review: Visual Latin”

    1. I'll offer my rave review without folks having to click over to the Crew site! We love it. We have already bought and downloaded the next 10 lessons and we haven't even finished the first 10 yet. This is a great program and you wrote a wonderful review.

      Tim from the Crew

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