We Love a Good Party!

I am so glad you decided to stop by during the Ultimate Blog Party! Last year was my first year to participate, and it was lots of fun. I also met some bloggers that I wouldn’t have known about otherwise.

And I would like to apologize for being such a terrible hostess… I invited my friends & followers to the Ultimate Blog Party three days ago, and I am just now getting around to posting my party intro! We have been super-busy this weekend, and by that I mean that we have hardly been at home at all…

To introduce myself… I am the wife to one pretty amazing guy. We will celebrate 16 years of marriage in June. He is a youth pastor and besides raising his chilren, my main “job” in life is to assist him in his ministry. I will admit that I struggle with a bad attitude at times, and I am learning to be more like Christ every day.

(okay, so the blondie isn’t mine, but isn’t he cute? The one holding him is mine, by the way)
My blog is alot like me–eclectic. I think that’s a fancy way of saying “attention-deficit”. I discuss whatever happens to be on my mind which could be anything from homeschooling to breastfeeding to ministry to health care to politics to fitness to…well, you get the point, just about anything!

I am the mother of four beautiful children, all of which I accept the responsibility of educating at home. And our homeschool curriculum choices? Yep, eclectic…just like me! But that is why I love homeschooling. I am able to choose–subject by subject and child by child–the curriculum that will suit that child’s personality, maturity and learning style best.

Thanks for stopping by! Take a look around and leave me a comment to let me know you’ve been here. I’ll do my best to visit you at your blog as well!

And don’t forget, there are lots more blogs to visit linked over at 5 Minutes for Mom!

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    11 thoughts on “We Love a Good Party!”

    1. Hi Stephf! Just dropping in to say hello for UBP! Love finding bloggy moms that talk about their faith, family and homeschooling, especially since I am pondering the homeschooling! Hope to see more of you! Warmth..Tracey

    2. Yes, it's true; I'm still visiting blogs from the blog party. There was no way I could fit them all into one week! So neat to see pictures of your children – and the birthday cupcakes look delicious!!

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