We Will Go Ministries

I am so very proud of my hubby, son & the rest of our church’s student ministry. Yesterday afternoon, they drove into Jackson (about 50 minutes from us, the nearest large city) to worship with and serve the needy and homeless at WE WILL GO MINISTRIES. Because of all the “littles” at our house, I understand that this is not MY season for very much outside ministry, but I am thrilled to be able to send them out.

Things have been so crazy busy at our house this week that I had not even picked up our Sunday school lesson to study it. How appropriate that the lesson was on SERVICE. As Christians, we are CALLED and COMMANDED to be serving others. DH & I usually teach the college & career class (which is a very small class), but we were invited today to join in with the young adult class. I thought it was a wonderful example of God’s timing to bring us into that place with that lesson on that Sunday that a service opportunity had been planned at least 6 weeks in advance. And of course, it was completely appropriate at the end of the lesson on SERVICE that we would invite anyone that was willing to join in to the ministry that afternoon at We Will Go.

It is so easy to live our comfortable American lives…to forget “the least of these”. I am guilty of it myself. DH took 36 people to serve at We Will Go. I have heard from about ten of them and look forward to hearing from the rest soon. They all have amazing stories of how God orchestrated the day for them, about how He is breaking their hearts for the needs of those around them, and of how blessed they were to be a blessing! I rejoiced for their experience, and yet my heart aches to be a part of it.

I long to be a part of what God is doing OUT THERE. You know, the BIG things! And yet I hear that still, small voice whispering to my heart, “Look around. I’m at work right here. Be a part of this. This is what I have for you for now. Be glad.” And so I re-read Matthew 25:35-36, and I am reminded that I am feeding the hungry & giving drink to the thirsty. I have taken in “strangers”. I am clothing the naked & caring for the sick. I am being used of God, even if no one else notices. It’s okay, and I can be content.

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