All Roads Lead to Ecuador

Since we have been here in Ecuador, our family has had the privelege to meet people from all over the world. It’s crazy how big and yet how small the world is all at the same time.

The kids are marking on our big wall maps all the countries and states from which we know people. We have met people from so many US states, that we could probably spend a year traveling the country just to visit them all. The list of countries is equally extensive. We have met people from Canada, China, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and most recently, South Africa.

Several weeks ago, Jeff had to make a trip to Quito to pick up our Ecuador IDs. He took the bus home to Shell, and on the way met a family from South Africa. They were on their way to Banos, just about 45 minutes before Shell on the road from Quito.

As Jeff is never shy, he got to learn a lot about them on the 4 hours or so ride. He learned they had left South Africa some years back after selling their home to live and explore life on their sailboat. By now, they have sold their sailboat as well and are touring South America.

When they left Banos, they were able to make a short stop in Shell, and we were able to spend the afternoon together. I learned they also have a large family–4 grown children all with their own place in the world and their youngest, Marco, who travels with them. They homeschool using an online program provided by their county. They are adventurous and inspiring, kind and genuine, and it was an honor to meet them.

This is Marlene, Johan and their son, Marco. We were able to share a meal with them before they left Shell to their next adventure in Cuenca. They are now somewhere in Peru. You can keep up with their family adventures at

We also brought along Jacob. He served at Casa de Fe for 2 months working in our physical therapy department, and he was preparing to return to the States. This was our last chance to visit with him before he had to go.

I am constantly in awe of the people the Lord brings across our path, brothers and sisters in the faith. I can’t help but think about eternity and what a joyous reunion we will all have someday!

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