Backyard Camping…

I told you Friday was a very busy day. We took the field trip to Mitchell Farms, dissected a cow eyeball, and then we surprised the kids with a backyard camp out. Hubby put up the tent and built a fire. I gathered the supplies for hot dogs & smores!!


JC striking a pose!!

Me and my girls!!

The girls trying to get settled in the tent. Yes, they are wearing Christmas pj’s but it was chilly out!

Even though I didn’t sleep very well, we all had a fun time. I hope the kids will remember it for a long time.

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    1 thought on “Backyard Camping…”

    1. We have got to do that with Kristin!! Of course, up here it’s getting too chilly, so it will have to wait for Spring. Yes, I know you can camp in all seasons, but seriously why would I spend a night in the cold when my house is right there calling me! ;o) Looks like you all had a great time.

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