Bone Lick State Park & Rabbit Hash, KY

Our last full day in Kentucky was spent sight-seeing near The Potter’s Ranch. Just a few miles from the ranch was Big Bone Lick State Park. They had a very nice paleontology museum, nature trails and a herd of American buffalo. 
 This is Adam. The dominant male of the herd.
Calves  are typically born in the spring and summer. So it was a rare opportunity to see this one that was born in September, just a month before our visit.
 I have to tell the story about this picture. Just a few minutes before this one was snapped, the mama of the calf you see in the background apparently thought Hubby was too close to the fence. She came up and butted him off it. I tried to warn him, but it was too late. His knees buckles and the three little people in front of him scattered.
 Welcome to Rabbit Hash, KY–a little township right on the river whose mayor is a dog. See Mayor Lucy in the snapshot below. We found out that the “town” is run by Rabbit Hash Historical Society. And the sweet mayor stays in office for life. After she passes, another election is held and the historical society uses monies raised to keep up the town.

 That’s Rising Sun, Indiana across the river.
 Our beautiful view at Potter’s Ranch of the sun coming up over the mountains.

These pictures were taken as we were leaving Potter’s Ranch and heading home. I could have sat all day and just soaked in the scenery…

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