Groupon–Great Domino’s Pizza Deal!!

If you haven’t tried Groupon, today is a great day to check out. Groupon is a combination of the words Group and Coupon. By selling coupons in large quantities, companies are willing to offer DEEP discounts. Groupon offers great deals on local restaurants, museums, clothing stores and more. They also offer discounts to online retailers. I have bought half price Amazon gift cards and 3/$1 Redbox rental codes.
Visit the Groupon website and sign up. It’s free with no obligation. Check your email every day for deals in your area, but act quickly because most deals only last for 24 hours. (I’ve missed a few good ones by procrastinating!) Today’s deal is $8 for a Large Domino’s pizza–up to 10 toppings and good at any location in the lower 48 states. I’m about to go buy it!!

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