Homeschool Mother’s Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week… Our Made to Crave Bible study group finished up this week. I wish I could say that means that I have arrived…that I am at my goal weight/size & never have to think about it again… but that simply is not true. My journey is just beginning…again. I believe, for me, it will be a lifetime struggle or choosing to eat right & exercise. The eating right is not nearly as difficult for me as consistent exercise. Making the time to be good to myself is a constant struggle.

In our homeschool this week… I downloaded Super Star Speech from CurrClick, and completed the assessment, therapy plan and one lesson with AC4 who struggles with a few sounds she should have mastered already. JC14 is speeding through pre-algebra and AJ7’s reading is progressing nicely.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Wonka practice–3 nights/wk! We have a crazy, busy day tomorrow… IN the morning, we have a foster parenting class. Our license expires July 31st and we have to get 5 contact hours before then. At noon, we are supposed to be at the lake for a family get-together and cookout. And then tomorrow evening, there is a crawfish boil/fish fry for the Ecuador team. We’ll all be exhausted, but it will be lots of fun!

My favorite thing this week was… having AC4 tell me she likes doing speech. And waking up this morning to two beautiful baby goats. Vanilla Bean delivered sometime in the night without any trouble. These little guys are absolutely beautiful! My only disappointment is that they are male, so we won’t be able to keep them…

What’s working/not working for us… Packing a picnic lunch on those days that we have afternoon errands or appointments before Wonka practice. We go to a local park. The kids eat & then play for a bit before practice. They really think it’s a treat, and that is why it is working so well!

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have… I wonder if anyone else has experience with Super Star Speech. I have read good reviews about it. It was EXTREMELY inexpensive, and so we like it so far…

A photo, video, link, or quote to share… Pictures of our new little “kids” and the 25 chicks we picked up this morning through the 4H program.

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