Homeschool Mother’s Journal–Week 1

The Homeschool Mother's JournalIn my life this week… I managed to drop three of the seven holiday pounds! We took the Christmas tree down, and our days are becoming more orderly.
In our homeschool this week… Getting back on track after the holidays. Everyone is making great progress, and I am pleased. 🙂 I ordered and received several pieces of curriculum we’ll be needing in Ecuador, but I have much MORE to order. According, to hubby we only have 133 days left in America!!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… This week, we are traveling to Wilmore, KY for meetings and training with our sending agency–Cornerstone International. I had grand dreams of a field trip to Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill during our free time, but the expected high temps are supposed to be in the mid-thirties! So that will be a wait & see…
My favorite thing this week was… Seeing my 8-year old proud of her achievement in math. And lunch out with hubby. And receiving my Spanish/English parallel Bible from CBD!
What’s working/not working for us… Making lists is working. For a long time, I have been out of the habit of making daily lists for myself or the children. That doesn’t work for us. At least one of my children thrives on having a list. School work goes much quicker and smoother when we work from the list.
Questions/thoughts I have… Will I be able to effectively homeschool while we’re in Ecuador? I know there is more to learning than just bookwork, but I am still concerned about getting the 3R’s done. Anyone else out there ever taken their children on an extended (2 years) mission trip?
Things I’m working on… my organizational skills…as always!
I’m reading… still working on One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are and Parenting by The Book: Biblical Wisdom for Raising Your Child. It seems I never have time to read for my own pleasure.
I’m cooking… Gluten-Free… DD8 is showing signs of gluten-intolerance, so we decided to try the diet instead of subjecting her to a lot of possibly unnecessary medical testing. There is definitely a learning curve to all of this.
I’m grateful for… everything. All of it. Good and bad. God is Sovereign.
I’m praying for… provision as we prepare to move our family to Ecuador for the next two years. I’m praying for wisdom and discernment as we train our children.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share… A link to the Casa de Fe website where we will be serving.

To read what’s going on in other homeschools this week, head over and visit The Homeschool Chick!

Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. If you click through & make a purchase, I may earn a few cents that will help pay our way to Ecuador. 🙂

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    3 thoughts on “Homeschool Mother’s Journal–Week 1”

    1. For gluten free recipes check out my friend's blog (she goes to my church!). 🙂 She was a pastry chef (went to culinary school) once upon a time and has a real good knowledge of baking and now baking gluten free. I've tried several things from her blog and loved them. Plus if you have questions…she will be more than happy to help you out. I find if I don't try to recreate everything out there…it's an affordable and easy way to eat. In other words…I mostly do without bread and junk food. (can't have dairy either!!) Good luck!! Also…I'm really looking forward to hearing about your upcoming adventures. Your family will be in my prayers!!

    2. What a GREAT experience your missions trip will be! How exciting!

      Oh, I love my lists! We use a large white board in the school room (i.e. diningroom) with daily assignments, chores and schedule for the day on it. As things are completed, they're erased…and erasing is a POSITIVE reinforcement! LOL

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