Review: Time 4 Learning

PhotobucketWe have spent the past month reviewing Time 4 Learning, an online learning system for children preschool-8th grade. Time 4 Learning could be used as your core curriculum covering math, science, social studies and language arts. Language Arts Extension activities are reading comprehension activities that could also be classified as social studies and science. It could also be used to supplement another curriculum.

From the Time 4 Learning website:

The Time4Learning curriculum can be the foundation of a homeschool program. Many homeschool families use Time4Learning as core curriculum in one or more subjects. Others families use Time4Learning to supplement other homeschool curriculum with a fun, interactive reinforcement of the day’s lessons. Families with children in public or private schools use Time4Learning afterschool as an alternative to tutoring, learning centers, or supplementary workbooks. Time4Learning is also popular as a summer skills sharpener or in place of attending summer school.

While I had accounts set up for the preschoolers, my main reviewer was AJ7. She is loving her daily computer time. Time 4 Learning allows users to have access to three grade levels: the grade the student is in plus the one below and above. That meant we had access to grades 1-3. AJ7 enjoyed Mr. Ed Mouse (pictured above), the educational mouse that introduces your Time 4 Learning lessons. And of course, she enjoyed the games. I appreciated the fact that she had to complete her lessons BEFORE the program would allow her to play a game. 🙂

We are still working on phonics and blending mastery here. The Time 4 Learning Language Arts activities helped AJ7 to practice those concepts in a fun, interactive way. Photobucket

The second grade math also made reviewing concepts more fun than I ever could…

The graphics, as you can see from these screen shots are great. I really can’t say enough good things about them. As a visual learner myself, graphics are very important. I found Time 4 Learning to be very visually appealing!

Getting the accounts set up was easy. Passwords can be simple, like “mom”, so the children had an easy time signing themselves into their accounts. Parents can customize the lesson plans at any time they choose. Time 4 Learning also offers a student progress report that can be checked at any time (and printed if you choose) for any length of time as you can see on the left side of the screen shot below.


To sum it up, we think this is a great product. I can definitely see how this could be used as a core curriculum. I felt it was pretty thorough for the second grade.

As much as I liked this program, however, I’m not sure I would want the majority of my second grader’s work to be done online. I am also leery of curriculum, especially science, written from a secular viewpoint. Already in a second grade language arts extension lesson about the planets, the term “millions of years” was used. I would consider using the math and language arts (not language arts extension) as supplements to our daily work.

Time 4 Learning is completely online, so there are NO CD-roms to keep up with or worry about getting scratched, and there is nothing to download. You can have access to it anytime, anywhere that you have internet access. The subscription fee is $19.95/mo for the first student and $14.95/mo for each additional student within your family.

To read other opinions about this product, head over to the TOS Crew Blog!


My family received a FREE one-month subscription to Time 4 Learning in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are completely ours.

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    3 thoughts on “Review: Time 4 Learning”

    1. Hello, and thanks so much for your honesty in this review. You were very thorough in exploring the program!

      T4L is written primarily for secular homeschoolers, but if you ask, they do maintain a list of the lessons that *may* appear objectionable to Christian homeschoolers. There aren't a ton of them, but it does make it easier to parents when planning their lessons and knowing there are a few to avoid. If the program worked well for your family otherwise, you might consider giving it another "go" with this in mind. (And they love suggestions, so if you come across something you object to, please ask them to add it to their list!)

      I'm a veteran of T4L and my family has enjoyed it for the past 5 years. We do supplement with plenty of other things, but T4L has been a great basis for our homeschooling. Thanks for sharing your review!

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