Doug Fields says there are 5 purposes of the church: worship, missions/ministry, fellowship, evangelism & discipeship. My strengths are missions & discipleship. So it should come as no surprise that one of my favorite things about church is small group Bible studies. The opportunity to study & teach the word thrills me…really, it does!
I have taught several small groups before at previous churches, but this is my first opportunity here at “Big Philly”. I have the privelege of spending eight fun weeks with a dozen or so 7th & 8th grade girls!! Can you say, “giggle”, “silly”, and SO MUCH FUN! For our small group, we are using Vicki Courtney’s His Girl study. Session titles include: My Crazy Life, Anticonformity, The Secret of Self-Worth, The Pure Life, The Cover Up, Prince Charming: Fact or Fiction?, Girl Politics, and Being His Girl.