Something to Love

Charlotte Mason, famed (at least in the homeschooling community) English educator, once said, “Every child every day needs: 1. Something to love. 2. Something to do. 3. Something to think about.”

I have seen my own children blossom and grow with patience and compassion when they have had an animal to care for, and the same is true for the children of Casa de Fe. In the five short months that we have been here, the children have acquired more pets than we can keep track of.

These are some of our “Something(s) to Love” at Casa de Fe.
This is Max, or Hachi. It depends on who you ask. 🙂

As you can see, they will make a pet out of most anything. I am glad to say those last two creatures have been set free. And just this week, a new puppy has been added to the collection. More to love!

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