is the pits! We do not have internet access at our townhouse, so that is the reason for sporadic updates. So far, so good. I’m still holding on at 33 weeks, 2 days. I have a dr’s appt tomorrow afternoon, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to update or not.
I am excited to see how much weight she has gained… And so is my friend (Dena) who keeps shoveling food to me saying, “eat, eat…”
In the meantime, Jeff is handling ALL of our other life issues–the children, the laundry, the new church stuff, packing & moving from the old house to the new, getting me back & forth to dr’s appointments and making sure that there is someone nearby to call in case of emergency when he can’t be here with me… How thankful I am that God blessed me with him!!
Anyway, I promise to post a real update as soon as I can.
Love ya, girl! We’re still praying for you!!
I was thinking about you Wednesday, praying for a healthy baby and non-emergency delivery! Will keep this up! I’m so glad your hubby is able to take care of things right now.