aka… Why do I doubt?!
A couple weeks ago over on the T-Tapp website, there was a 7 day challenge. (Okay, I was going to link directly to the challenge, but I can’t find it anywhere…) Do Organs in Place/Half Frogs every day for 7 days & see if your tummy is flatter. Organs in Place/Half Frogs is a floor exercise that takes about six minutes to complete. I decided to take this challenge while DH & JC14 were in Ecuador. I decided to do the exercises every day that they were gone–10 days. This is the ONLY exercise I did the entire time they were gone, except for chasing my kids which is what I do every day! For those 10 days, I also “mostly” followed the T-tapp God-made/Man-made eating plan.
On the morning of the eleventh day–the day after he got home–I had DH measure me. The results were AH-MAZING!
Waist: -1.5inches
Abs: -1 inch
Hips: -.5 inches
The best part about all of this is that I have found 2 NEW PAIR of jeans in my closet!! Jeans bought a Looooong time ago that I am finally able to wear comfortably!!
Now, if I could just get motivated to be consistent…
Way to go!
WooHoo!! I can't wait to try this. And I love your new background. So "springy"!